Multivibrator & Oscillator
Showing all 13 results
Application Of IC 555
Application Of IC 555 Timer circuit applications has been designed to perform the following experiments:- A. Astable Multi-vibrator B. Mono-stable Multi-vibrator C. Bi-stable Multi-vibrator D. Voltage to Time converter / Voltage to Frequency converter Technical Specifications : Inbuilt Fixed DC Regulated Power Supply Output Voltages : +5 V DC IC & Components Provided IC : … Continue reading “Application Of IC 555”
Astable Multi-vibrator (Using Transistors)
Astable Multi-vibrator (Using Transistors) The instrument comprises of the following built in parts:- Two transistors BC 547 on front panel of the instrument. Fixed DC regulated power supply of 12V to start ‘ON’ the circuit. A combination of resistances & capaciators for baising the circuit & taking output.
Astable Multivibrator (IC 555)
Astable Multivibrator (IC 555) 555 Timer as Astable Multivibrator Apparatus has been designed to study the Wave Shape and Frequency produced by Astable Multivibrator. The instrument comprises of the following built in parts:- IC 555 placed inside the cabinet & connections brought out at sockets. DC regulated power supply of 5V. Various resistances & capacitors connected inside … Continue reading “Astable Multivibrator (IC 555)”
Bistable Multivibrator (Using Transistors)
Bistable Multivibrator Using Transistors The instrument comprises of the following built in parts: 1. Two transistor CL 100 on front panel of the instrument. 2. Fixed DC Regulated power supply of 12 volts to start ON the circuit. 3. A combination of resistnces and cpaciators for biasing the circuit & taking output.
Bistable Multivibrator IC 555
Bistable Multivibrator IC 555 Bistable Multivibrator using IC 555 has been designed to study the characteristics of Bistable Multivibrator. The instrument comprises of the following builtin parts:- 1) IC 555 placed inside the cabinet & connections brought out at sockets. 2) DC regulated power supply of 5Volts available on sockets. 3) Various resistances & capacitors … Continue reading “Bistable Multivibrator IC 555”
Colpitt Oscillator
Colpitt Oscillator Features : Circuit Printed on Bakelite sheet Tank Circuit with 2 Capacitors & 1 Inductance Switch : Selects different Values of Capacitor. Output Connected to CRO
Hartley Oscillator
Hartley Oscillator This has DC +12V/500mA Fixed Power supply, the circuit uses NPN Transistor with resistors and capacitors provides self bias CE Amplifier mode, with two inductor and one Capacitor as a Feedback components forms a Hartley oscillator circuit to produce an oscillation in RF range.
Monostable Multivibrator (Using Transistors)
Monostable Multivibrator Using Transistors The instrument comprises of the following built in parts:- 1. Two transistors BC 547 on front panel of the instrument. 2. Fixed DC regulated power supply of 12V to start ‘ON’ the circuit. 3. A combination of resistances & capaciators for baising the circuit & taking output.
Monostable Multivibrator IC 555
Monostable Multivibrator IC 555 Study of Monostable multivibrator All applications using IC 555 In built Power Supply Set of Patch Chords & Manual User’s Manual
Phase Shift Oscillator
Phase Shift Oscillator Features : Instrument comprises of 12V DC Regulated Power Supply, Circuit diagram printed & components mounted on front panel.
Relaxation Oscillator Using UJT
Relaxation Oscillator Using UJT Power Electronic Training Board has been designed specifically for the study of Electrical Characteristics of Uni- Junction Transistor. The UJTs are widely used for Relaxation Oscillator, waveform & pulse generators and firing circuits of SCR’s and TRIAC’s. This Training Board can alsomake use for designing firing circuits and control circuits for … Continue reading “Relaxation Oscillator Using UJT”
Wein Bridge Oscillator Using Operational Amplifier IC 741
Wein Bridge Oscillator Using Operational Amplifier IC 741 Features : Instrument comprises of 12V DC Regulated Power Supply, Circuit diagram printed & components mounted on front panel.
Wein Bridge Oscillator Using Transistor
Wein Bridge Oscillator Using Transistor Features : Instrument comprises of 12V DC Regulated Power Supply, Circuit diagram printed & components mounted on front panel.