Operational Amplifier's
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Application Of Operational Amplifiers (Discrete Component Trainer)
Application Of Operational Amplifiers (Discrete Component Trainer) Features: The board consists of the following built in parts : 1. 4V5-0-4V5 A.C. at 500 mA, Power Supply. 2. 0-5VA.C. at 50mA, Power Supply. 3. 0-70V D.C. at 50 mA, continuously variable Power Supply. 4. ± 12V D.C. at 250 mA, IC regulated and short circuit protected … Continue reading “Application Of Operational Amplifiers (Discrete Component Trainer)”
Feedback Amplifier Series & Shunt Voltage
Feedback Amplifier Series & Shunt Voltage SALIENT FEATURES : Dedicated trainer board for each amplifier circuit. Completely self contained stand – alone unit. Construction and study of Negative Feedback Amplifier. Study to plot frequency response with & without : Voltage Shunt Feedback Current Shunt Feedback Voltage Series Feedback Current Series Feedback Study and observe the … Continue reading “Feedback Amplifier Series & Shunt Voltage”
Linear Wave Shaping Circuits
Linear Wave Shaping Circuits Features: Fixed DC Regulated power supply of 12V. Operational amplifier IC 741 is placed inside the cabinet and connections are brought out on sockets.Combination of resistor, capacitor, diodes are provided on the front panel.
Operational Amplifier As Differential Amplifier
Operational Amplifier As Differential Amplifier An op-amp is a differential amplifier which has a high i/p impedance, high differential-mode gain, and low o/p impedance. When the negative feedback is applied to this circuit, expected and stable gain can be built. Usually, some types of differential amplifier comprise various simpler differential amplifiers. For instance, a fully … Continue reading “Operational Amplifier As Differential Amplifier”
Operational Amplifier As Differentiator & Integrator
Operational Amplifier As Differentiator & Integrator The instrument comprises of the following built in parts;- Fixed output DC Regulated power supply of + 12 V. Operational amplifier IC 741 is placed inside the cabinet and connections are brought out at sockets. Circuit diagram for Differentiator & Integrator are printed on the front panel and components … Continue reading “Operational Amplifier As Differentiator & Integrator”
Operational Amplifier As Instrumentation Amplifier
Operational Amplifier As Instrumentation Amplifier Features : Instrument comprises of One ± 15 VDC Regulated Power Supply, 2 DC Regulated short circuit and overload protected continuously variable Power supplies, 3 no. IC 741 placed inside & connections brought out at sockets. One Potentiometer and combination of Resistances placed on the front panel.
Operational Amplifier As Inverting & Non-Inverting Amplifier
Operational Amplifier As Inverting & Non-Inverting Amplifier Features : Instrument comprises of DC Regulated Power Supplies of 0-1.5 VDC/150 mA, ±15V DC & two meters to measure input & output voltage, circuit diagram is printed. Dimension 10″x7″x3″. Digital Multimeter 3.5 Digit, Digital Voltmeter 20 VDC.
Operational Amplifier As Logarithmic Amplifier
Operational Amplifier As Logarithmic Amplifier An operational amplifier can be configured to function as a Logarithmic amplifier, or simply Log amplifier. Log amplifier is a non-linear circuit configuration, where the output is K times the logarithmic value of the input voltage applied. Log amplifiers find the applications in computations such as multiplication and division of signals, computation … Continue reading “Operational Amplifier As Logarithmic Amplifier”
Operational Amplifier As schmitt trigger
Operational Amplifier As schmitt trigger Specification:- On board circuit to study op-amp as comparator-Schmitt trigger. On board POT to vary input signal On board 2 varying voltage from -12v to +12v On board test points to analyse the signal ON/OFF switch and LED for power indication. Bare board Tested Glass Epoxy SMOBC PCB is used. … Continue reading “Operational Amplifier As schmitt trigger”
Operational Amplifier As V-I and I-V Converter
Operational Amplifier As V-I and I-V Converter V-I and I-V Converter is a compact, ready to use Voltage to Current and Current to Voltage converter experiment board. This board is useful for students to study and understand operation of Op-Amp as Voltage to Current Converter (floating output and grounded load output) & Op-Amp as Current to Voltage … Continue reading “Operational Amplifier As V-I and I-V Converter”
Operational Amplifier As Voltage and Current Feedback Amplifier
Operational Amplifier As Voltage and Current Feedback Amplifier The instrument comprises of the following built in parts:- 1) Fixed DC Regulated Power Supply of +15V. 2) DC Regulated variable power supply of 0 -1.5V. 3) IC 741 is placed inside the cabinet and connections are brought out at sockets. 4) Two dual mode range moving … Continue reading “Operational Amplifier As Voltage and Current Feedback Amplifier”
Operational Amplifier As Voltage Comparator
Operational Amplifier As Voltage Comparator Features: Instrument comprises of fixed output DC Regulated power supply of 15VDC, one digital voltmeter, Combination of Resistances, Zener Diode & IC 741 connected inside & connections brought out at sockets on front panel.
Operational Amplifier As Window Detector & Zero Crossing Detector
Operational Amplifier As Window Detector & Zero Crossing Detector Comparator is a circuit that produces two output state +V sat and -V sat by comparing theinput signal with a reference voltage. If the input signal is applied to the inverting terminal ofop-amp then for input voltages less than V ref , the output is equal to +V sat and for inputvoltages greater … Continue reading “Operational Amplifier As Window Detector & Zero Crossing Detector”
Precision Rectifier Using Operational Amplifier
Precision Rectifier Using Operational Amplifier The precision rectifier, also known as a super diode, is a configuration obtained with an operational amplifier in order to have a circuit behave like an ideal diode and rectifier. It is useful for high-precision signal processing.