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4 Bit Shift Registers

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4 Bit Shift Registers

4 Bit Shift Registers

Computer Logic Training Board on 4bit shift register trainer has been specifically designed to give students an idea about 4bit shift register trainer and to study of 4bit shift register trainer The output of the 4bit shift register trainer can be observed with the help of logic level indicators (LEDs), which are provided on the panel. The board is absolutely self contained and requires no other apparatus. Practical experience on this board carries great educative value for Science and Engineering Students.


The board consists of the following built-in parts :
1. 5V D.C. at 100mA, IC regulated power supply.
2. 10 Nos. Input Switches for data input.
3. IC For Universal Shift Register 74194 is provided on board with Combinational Circuit.
4. IC For Parallel Shift register 7495  is provided on board with Combinational Circuit.
5. IC For Parallel-Serial Shift Register Using 7494 is provided with circuit diagram
6. 5. Nos. Output LEDs with driver circuit to observe the Output.
7. One Mono Pulse is provided on board.
8. Adequate no. of other Electronic Components.
 9.  Mains ON/OFF switch, Fuse and Jewel light.
The unit is operative on 230V ±10% at 50Hz A.C. Mains.


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