Human Torso 12 PARTS, Medical instruments, Anatomy Models supplier, Laboratory equipments exporter, science model manufacture, biological instruments, zoological equipments, anatomical osteoporosis model, zoology, manufacturer, biological educational models. This 12-part anatomically correct human torso is hand-painted, true to detail and made of high-quality plastic.

Human Anatomy Torso 12 Parts

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Human Anatomy Torso 12 Parts

Human Anatomy Torso 12 parts

Human Anatomy Torso 12 parts– Dissectible into 12 parts, showing ribs, sternum, clavicle with their attachments. Thoracic and abdominal organs is detachable individually like lungs, heart, stomach, liver, intestine, half of  skull cap is removable  show brain and its structure, which can be taken out, sectioned head and neck are showing internal organs of that region, natural size.


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