Platinum resistance Cambridge type, heat treated, winding of purest form of platinum.
Enclosed in a borosilicate glass grounded tube, resistance apparatus 2.8 ohms fundamental interval 1 ohms.
Four terminate two for thermometer and two for compensatory leads.
Vernier is attached to the sliding contact and fine slow motion available mercury contacts are fitted. Length of the slide wire is 30 cm. Resistance values are 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2, 6.4, 12.8 and 0.15 ohm for 30 cm slide wire.
Range of resistance measurable.
A fine platinum wire is wound on the mica.
Its resistance is approximately 2.8 ohms.
Two compensatory leads are connected to four terminals on a square block.
The terminals are marked cl and pl to represent compensating and platinum leads.
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