Automatic Knife Sharpener, manufacturers, supplier, exporter, distributor, ambala, india

Automatic Knife Sharpener

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Automatic Knife Sharpener

Automatic Knife Sharpener – Laboratory Equipment

There is an electrical timing device which is set for desired time, depending upon the condition of knife. The transparent flexi glass cover encloses the entire working mechanism and provides a safe dust and grit free sharpening process. The knife strokes against a high frequency glass joining plate and after three exactly equivalent strokes one side of knife edge, a cum follower automatically flips the knife and three strokes are honed on other side The stroking cycle is repeated continually for duration of setting on electrical timer, overall  and approx.

Automatic Knife Sharpener provides a precise, efficient and safe method for honing Microtome Knives upto 140mm in length, equipped with automatic timer 0-60 min. to adjust sharpening time. It ensure a knife edge so perfect that no subsequent strooping is necessary. The knife edge is recodtioned to optimum sharpness which is so major importance to every laboratory, where material are routinely sectioned for microscopic examinations. The transparent plexi glass cover encloses the entire working mechanism and provides a safe dust and gritfree sharpening process. The knife strokes against a high frequency glass honing plate and after three exactly equivalent strokes on one side of knife edge, a cam follower automatically flips the knife and three strokes are honed on other side.


  • Precisely engineered
  • Unmatched quality
  • Optimum performance
  • Knife sharpening is the process of making tool sharp
  • knife edge is reconditioned to optimum sharpness, which is most important to every laboratory,
  • Where material are routinely sectioned for microscopic examination.
  • All the parts of instrument are hand assembled to ensure the trouble free and dependable service.
  • The instrument in mounted on sound absorbing rubber feet foe quiet and smooth operation.


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